WEBVTT 00:01.540 --> 00:04.640 Yeah . So , you know , for 51 is an 00:04.640 --> 00:06.640 airborne air delivery specialists . 00:06.640 --> 00:08.862 Also has been called a parachute rigger 00:08.862 --> 00:11.220 uh synonymous in that sense . What they 00:11.220 --> 00:13.310 do is they pack personnel and cargo 00:13.310 --> 00:15.440 parachutes as well as rig cargo for 00:15.440 --> 00:18.170 airdrop . So those guys that you see 00:18.170 --> 00:20.059 jumping well static line military 00:20.059 --> 00:22.140 freefall , um they are qualified in 00:22.140 --> 00:24.330 that and they pack those parachutes as 00:24.330 --> 00:26.497 well as the stuff that you see falling 00:26.497 --> 00:28.552 from the sky with a big parachute on 00:28.552 --> 00:31.260 top of it . The simplest way I like to 00:31.260 --> 00:33.427 describe people as you drop people and 00:33.427 --> 00:35.640 things out of airplanes . So anything 00:35.640 --> 00:37.529 that goes into that job is what a 00:37.529 --> 00:40.950 parachute rigger does . Yeah . 00:41.840 --> 00:43.760 Yeah . Mhm .