WEBVTT 00:00.930 --> 00:03.152 - But there are some near-term things I 00:03.152 --> 00:05.400 think we should pay attention to. 00:05.409 --> 00:07.320 Logistics, clearly one of them. 00:08.210 --> 00:11.260 Relevant to this partnership between 00:11.270 --> 00:13.739 Australia and the US and 00:13.750 --> 00:16.520 operating in this region, logistics, 00:16.530 --> 00:19.469 logistics, logistics. That is the 00:19.479 --> 00:21.535 limiting factor. That's the driving 00:21.535 --> 00:23.701 factor in how far and how fast you can go. 00:23.701 --> 00:26.569 - [Narrator] Logistics. The ability to deploy, 00:26.670 --> 00:29.940 arm, feed and fuel our forces 00:29.950 --> 00:31.940 globally has been a competitive 00:31.950 --> 00:33.939 advantage that we have enjoyed for 00:33.950 --> 00:36.849 decades. However, recent conflicts 00:36.860 --> 00:38.804 illustrate that even a numerically 00:38.804 --> 00:41.060 superior force will struggle to sustain 00:41.069 --> 00:42.979 itself and protect supply routes 00:42.990 --> 00:44.680 against precision attacks and 00:44.689 --> 00:46.966 disruption from a determined enemy. 00:48.509 --> 00:50.470 We can no longer expect to close and 00:50.479 --> 00:52.860 sustain forces from secure forward 00:52.869 --> 00:55.889 bases built up over weeks or months 00:55.900 --> 00:58.400 from areas of sanctuary as we did in 00:58.409 --> 01:01.930 Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. 01:01.939 --> 01:03.680 A handful of major supply routes 01:03.689 --> 01:05.856 emanating from large iron mountains at 01:05.856 --> 01:08.449 forward bases, ports and airfields will 01:08.459 --> 01:10.070 be a liability on the modern 01:10.070 --> 01:12.459 battlefield. We must expect to be 01:12.470 --> 01:15.190 contested by future adversaries. 01:15.199 --> 01:17.421 From our industrial base to the front line, 01:17.639 --> 01:19.306 our logistics and sustainment 01:19.306 --> 01:21.639 capabilities are already being targeted. 01:21.919 --> 01:23.940 Adversaries will employ systems and 01:23.949 --> 01:26.120 tactics to hold the fleet and joint 01:26.129 --> 01:28.349 force at arm's length, allowing them 01:28.360 --> 01:30.540 to employ a strategy that uses 01:30.550 --> 01:32.669 contested areas as a shield behind 01:32.680 --> 01:34.458 which they can apply a range of 01:34.458 --> 01:36.624 coercive measures against our allies 01:36.624 --> 01:40.540 and partners. Force design accelerates 01:40.550 --> 01:42.661 the modernization of the Marine Corps 01:42.661 --> 01:44.717 to meet the challenges of the future 01:44.717 --> 01:46.661 operating environment. The Marine 01:46.661 --> 01:48.883 Corps is uniquely positioned to provide 01:48.883 --> 01:50.717 the nation options in support of 01:50.717 --> 01:52.772 integrated deterrents. Our stand-in 01:52.772 --> 01:54.828 forces are forward-postured, steady 01:54.828 --> 01:56.828 state forces operating in contested 01:56.828 --> 01:58.994 areas capable of transitioning rapidly 01:58.994 --> 02:02.089 from competition to crisis to conflict 02:02.099 --> 02:05.110 and back again. These forces are small 02:05.120 --> 02:08.089 but lethal, low-signature, mobile and 02:08.100 --> 02:10.679 agile designed to operate with allies 02:10.690 --> 02:12.690 and partners across the competition 02:12.690 --> 02:14.912 continuum and along the leading edge of 02:14.912 --> 02:17.160 maritime defense and depth. To sustain 02:17.169 --> 02:19.225 these forces, we must modernize our 02:19.225 --> 02:21.600 logistics enterprise. We require 02:21.610 --> 02:24.479 systemic change now. The future 02:24.490 --> 02:26.199 calls for an agile integrated 02:26.210 --> 02:29.100 sustainment network, a network capable 02:29.110 --> 02:31.360 of generating multiple logistics webs 02:31.369 --> 02:33.539 that provide options to commanders, 02:33.550 --> 02:35.699 create resiliency, contribute to 02:35.710 --> 02:37.880 deterrence, and overcome the precision 02:37.889 --> 02:39.611 driven lethality of the modern 02:39.611 --> 02:42.149 battlefield. Tomorrow's logistics 02:42.160 --> 02:43.990 network must be agile enough to 02:44.000 --> 02:46.111 overcome both kinetic and non-kinetic 02:46.111 --> 02:48.160 attacks. Building this network 02:48.169 --> 02:50.391 requires the development and resourcing 02:50.391 --> 02:52.613 of several critical capabilities, four 02:52.613 --> 02:54.780 of which are central to our ability to 02:54.780 --> 02:57.002 generate logistics webs and sustain our 02:57.002 --> 03:00.199 warfighters. First, we need multi- 03:00.210 --> 03:02.679 capable distribution platforms. The 03:02.690 --> 03:04.634 Marine Corps will require a mix of 03:04.634 --> 03:06.589 crude and autonomous capabilities 03:06.600 --> 03:09.020 designed to operate from and alongside 03:09.029 --> 03:11.710 naval platforms and bases. Much of 03:11.720 --> 03:13.776 this technology is in development, to 03:13.776 --> 03:15.998 include the medium landing ship, which 03:15.998 --> 03:18.164 is smaller than our recognizable ships 03:18.164 --> 03:20.164 but larger than our current ship-to- 03:20.164 --> 03:21.998 shore connectors. However, the 03:21.998 --> 03:24.470 unmanned logistics system air, the CH-53K, 03:24.479 --> 03:27.330 and our amphibious warfare ships are 03:27.339 --> 03:29.570 examples of capabilities mature enough 03:29.580 --> 03:31.580 to sustain distributed naval forces 03:31.580 --> 03:34.529 today. Second, we need to increase, 03:34.539 --> 03:36.600 disperse and diversify the forward 03:36.610 --> 03:38.529 positioning of sustainment. In 03:38.539 --> 03:40.761 addition to working closely with allies 03:40.761 --> 03:42.983 and partners to expand access to shared 03:42.983 --> 03:45.110 resources, we must modernize our pre-positioning. 03:45.119 --> 03:47.360 The global positioning 03:47.369 --> 03:49.750 network, GPN, will consist of a 03:49.759 --> 03:52.220 dynamic, integrated, afloat and ashore 03:52.229 --> 03:54.410 network to support the stand-in force 03:54.419 --> 03:57.729 and global crisis response. Third, we 03:57.740 --> 03:59.851 must make our installations ready for 03:59.851 --> 04:01.740 the contested environment. Every 04:01.740 --> 04:03.684 operation begins and ends with our 04:03.684 --> 04:05.850 bases and stations. Indo-Pacific 04:05.860 --> 04:07.749 installations must transform into 04:07.749 --> 04:09.749 advanced spaces that serve as vital 04:09.749 --> 04:11.979 nodes in the network, enabling early 04:11.990 --> 04:13.823 phase operational maneuver while 04:13.823 --> 04:15.990 demonstrating commitment to our allies 04:15.990 --> 04:18.157 and partners. These critical advanced 04:18.157 --> 04:20.239 bases require resourcing and 04:20.250 --> 04:22.649 modernization to generate combat power, 04:22.700 --> 04:25.049 provide sustainment of forces and to 04:25.059 --> 04:27.226 recover quickly from adversary attacks 04:27.226 --> 04:30.380 across all domains. Fourth, an 04:30.390 --> 04:32.223 integrated logistics command and 04:32.223 --> 04:34.390 control framework is required to bring 04:34.390 --> 04:36.501 together these distribution platforms, 04:36.501 --> 04:38.557 forward sustainment and advanced bases. 04:39.290 --> 04:42.290 This new C2 architecture consists of 04:42.299 --> 04:44.470 new organizations, improved command 04:44.480 --> 04:46.647 arrangements, and modernize information 04:46.647 --> 04:49.179 technology. This includes artificial 04:49.190 --> 04:51.357 intelligence to enable faster decision- 04:51.357 --> 04:53.468 making, allowing commanders to match 04:53.468 --> 04:55.579 resources to requirements in a manner 04:55.579 --> 04:57.640 that is threat-informed. Among these 04:57.649 --> 04:59.790 four core capabilities, developing a 04:59.799 --> 05:02.021 logistics C2 framework will be the most 05:02.021 --> 05:05.049 challenging to produce. We seek the 05:05.059 --> 05:07.339 resourcing to work with industry and 05:07.350 --> 05:09.579 the joint force to deliver what will 05:09.589 --> 05:11.700 serve as the most critical capability 05:11.700 --> 05:14.570 for the pacing function. Without these, 05:14.579 --> 05:16.801 we will be hard-pressed to continue the 05:16.801 --> 05:18.968 current pace of modernization and meet 05:18.968 --> 05:21.079 the requirements of the new operating 05:21.079 --> 05:23.190 environment. However, to retain our 05:23.190 --> 05:24.968 competitive advantage, we must 05:24.968 --> 05:26.968 modernize our logistics to meet new 05:26.968 --> 05:29.980 challenges and threats. The Marine 05:29.989 --> 05:31.711 Corps stands ready to lead the 05:31.711 --> 05:34.239 modernization in this area. - [General Jacqueline Van Ovost] As we work 05:34.250 --> 05:36.399 in the Indo-Pacific with Admiral 05:36.559 --> 05:38.799 Aquilino, we are looking at a strategy 05:38.809 --> 05:41.660 of diverse and disperse. In other 05:41.670 --> 05:43.837 words, we are seeing that we're going 05:43.837 --> 05:46.119 to have more distributed operations in 05:46.130 --> 05:48.429 more locations which will provide us 05:48.440 --> 05:51.309 that redundancy and resilience and then 05:51.320 --> 05:53.739 diversity to have some capability to 05:53.750 --> 05:56.190 move with respect to ships on the water 05:56.200 --> 05:58.311 that are in motion which are harder 05:58.311 --> 06:01.769 to target than a large single location 06:01.779 --> 06:04.001 where we stack up our logistics. So we 06:04.001 --> 06:06.100 are very much looking at how we do 06:06.109 --> 06:08.890 intra-theater dispersement at a time 06:08.899 --> 06:10.732 and place where we'll be able to 06:10.732 --> 06:13.510 resupply the forces securely but keep 06:13.519 --> 06:15.519 it moving so that they don't become 06:15.519 --> 06:17.686 targets in the future. That gets back 06:17.686 --> 06:19.686 to the agility of the force that we 06:19.686 --> 06:21.908 need. And to do that, our forces need 06:21.908 --> 06:23.963 to be connected. They need to be on 06:23.963 --> 06:26.075 the network. Our ability to securely 06:26.075 --> 06:28.019 command and control and understand 06:28.019 --> 06:29.852 where the forces are, where the 06:29.852 --> 06:31.109 logistics are, and where they need to go. 06:32.391 --> 06:34.822 (dramatic music)