WEBVTT 00:03.779 --> 00:06.670 The exercise is a scenario that we 00:06.679 --> 00:09.399 designed around contested logistics to 00:09.409 --> 00:11.630 support A and B and E E operations . 00:11.640 --> 00:13.909 When we conduct an exercise like Peer E 00:13.979 --> 00:16.100 B , we're looking to use what the 00:16.110 --> 00:18.221 lessons learned and those actions the 00:18.221 --> 00:20.510 units have taken to design , follow on 00:20.520 --> 00:22.809 exercise , design or exercise 00:22.819 --> 00:25.190 experimentation that will be executable 00:25.200 --> 00:27.256 during a large named exercise like a 00:27.256 --> 00:29.700 room pack right now , we need to figure 00:29.709 --> 00:31.876 out what the Fight Tonight method is . 00:31.876 --> 00:33.987 And so just trying to experiment with 00:33.987 --> 00:36.265 the current equipment that we have now . 00:36.299 --> 00:38.521 So there's four main objectives to this 00:38.521 --> 00:40.849 exercise . The first one being teasing 00:40.860 --> 00:43.027 out what the command relationships may 00:43.027 --> 00:46.959 be for a future E A B operation . We do 00:46.970 --> 00:49.159 have nine different units actually 00:49.169 --> 00:51.391 participating . So we've got the entire 00:51.391 --> 00:53.558 litany of the Mac , the Wing Logistics 00:53.558 --> 00:55.900 and division . We have AC L R 17 00:55.909 --> 00:59.099 headquarters sitting on top to maintain 00:59.110 --> 01:01.060 the Mac construct of the command 01:01.069 --> 01:04.180 element . And then the MC M group three 01:04.190 --> 01:06.412 on the naval side is also involved with 01:06.412 --> 01:08.580 mobile unit one , so two oh six 01:08.589 --> 01:11.050 commanders talking and actually being 01:11.059 --> 01:14.349 part of the entire . The second 01:14.709 --> 01:17.709 is utilizing tactical awareness kit for 01:17.720 --> 01:20.949 the tax software to maintain a common 01:20.959 --> 01:23.190 operational pitcher and help inform a 01:23.199 --> 01:27.019 decision maker from afar . Third would 01:27.029 --> 01:30.199 be to incorporate a V S and a CV S 01:30.800 --> 01:34.660 to serve as logistical connectors to do 01:34.669 --> 01:38.050 this . We developed a method that we 01:38.059 --> 01:40.529 pulled from how Navy U D does race to 01:40.540 --> 01:42.596 beach operations of ordinance in the 01:42.596 --> 01:45.389 water and we placed the pods in the 01:45.400 --> 01:47.567 water , pulled them out to the back of 01:47.567 --> 01:49.622 the surf zone and then attached full 01:49.622 --> 01:51.622 lines to them and towed them ashore 01:51.622 --> 01:53.789 using the amphibious combat vehicles . 01:53.889 --> 01:56.330 And then fourth would be working 01:56.339 --> 01:59.089 alongside the naval mobile units with a 01:59.099 --> 02:01.980 mission of detecting to avoid a 02:01.989 --> 02:04.459 mobility corridor through a mine 02:04.470 --> 02:07.069 infested with transition point for Pere . 02:07.080 --> 02:08.970 We were working on figuring out a 02:09.119 --> 02:11.929 methodology in concert with the Navy , 02:11.940 --> 02:14.339 MC M Forces of how to move marines 02:14.350 --> 02:16.461 through a contested area , get to the 02:16.461 --> 02:18.350 shore so they could execute their 02:18.350 --> 02:20.072 assigned mission to distribute 02:20.072 --> 02:20.320 sustainment for following forces .