WEBVTT 00:00.400 --> 00:02.420 This is combat logistics attachment 00:02.430 --> 00:05.469 West at Gold Moana 2024 . I called 00:05.630 --> 00:07.797 Moana . My experience has been amazing 00:07.797 --> 00:09.908 getting to help all the people who've 00:09.908 --> 00:11.741 took . It's been awesome meeting 00:11.741 --> 00:13.852 different people from different walks 00:13.852 --> 00:13.819 of life . Everyone has been so 00:13.829 --> 00:16.020 welcoming and thankful . Uh My name is 00:16.030 --> 00:18.197 83 Aaron Davila High School was just a 00:18.197 --> 00:20.719 man . Corporal Olivia Cox sergeant 00:20.729 --> 00:23.709 Brion Samuel that Rodriguez , the 00:23.719 --> 00:25.608 marine sailors across the Federal 00:25.608 --> 00:27.441 States of Micronesia play a very 00:27.441 --> 00:29.497 impactful part . Not only the Marine 00:29.497 --> 00:31.441 Corps , but the United States as a 00:31.441 --> 00:32.270 whole with foreign relations .