WEBVTT 00:19.030 --> 00:21.086 A firefighter . United States Marine 00:21.086 --> 00:23.141 Corps is a blessing in itself . Just 00:23.141 --> 00:23.000 knowing that my team and the 00:23.010 --> 00:25.010 firefighters around us are the last 00:25.010 --> 00:27.177 line of defense for any emergencies or 00:27.177 --> 00:29.121 mishaps that may have been for any 00:29.121 --> 00:31.288 marine sailors or any military service 00:31.288 --> 00:35.209 members . I 00:35.220 --> 00:37.331 have a deep love for firefighting and 00:37.331 --> 00:39.849 being able to come here and teach and 00:39.860 --> 00:41.916 share the knowledge that I have with 00:41.916 --> 00:43.971 other people and learn more about it 00:43.971 --> 00:46.027 through teaching . These classes has 00:46.027 --> 00:48.919 been a great honor . The training my 00:48.930 --> 00:51.097 team and I have been conducting across 00:51.097 --> 00:53.263 Palau and Federal States of Micronesia 00:53.263 --> 00:55.263 have included fire science , better 00:55.263 --> 00:57.097 help the firefighters across all 00:57.097 --> 00:59.263 airports understand the basics of fire 00:59.263 --> 01:01.319 behavior and how the way it works as 01:01.319 --> 01:03.430 well as some physical applications to 01:03.430 --> 01:05.152 include CPR , help them better 01:05.152 --> 01:07.263 understand at any moment , any notice 01:07.263 --> 01:09.430 they'll be able to save someone's life 01:09.430 --> 01:11.910 with the training conducted you too 01:12.139 --> 01:15.910 early . Very 01:15.919 --> 01:17.919 grateful . It's been a blast to the 01:17.919 --> 01:20.086 firefighters here in Palau and Federer 01:20.086 --> 01:21.863 States of Micronesia . You have 01:21.863 --> 01:23.975 welcomed us in with open arms . Thank 01:23.975 --> 01:26.809 you to the people of Palau and the 01:26.819 --> 01:28.652 Federated States of Micronesia . 01:28.699 --> 01:30.866 Training such as this ensures that the 01:30.866 --> 01:33.032 firefighters on these islands have the 01:33.032 --> 01:35.143 resources and training that they need 01:35.143 --> 01:37.255 to safely perform airfield operations 01:37.255 --> 01:39.199 and working alongside the locals . 01:39.199 --> 01:40.977 Ensures that we maintain cooper 01:40.977 --> 01:43.143 operation in support of the exercise . 01:43.143 --> 01:43.639 Kana 2024 .