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1st Marine Logistics Group
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California
Ceremony officially opens Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton
From left to right: Richard Heim, Rear Adm. Douglas G. Morton, Rear Adm. C. Forrest Faison III, Hon. Jonathan Woodson, Hon. Mike McCord, Rear Adm. Bruce L. Gillingham, Lt. Gen. John A. Toolan and Capt. Mark A. Kobelja simultaneously cut the ribbon during the dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony at the replacement facility Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton Jan. 31. The ceremony was held to officially open the 500,000-square-foot, four-story building. Heim is the president and chief executive officer of Western Region Clark Construction Group-Calif., LP. Morton is commander of Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic. Faison is the deputy surgeon general of the Navy and deputy chief for the Bureau of Medicine. Woodson is the assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs. McCord is the principal deputy under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller). Gillingham is the commander of Navy Medicine West at the Naval Medical Center San Diego. Toolan is the commanding general of I Marine Expeditionary Force. Kobelja is the commanding officer of Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton.

1st Marine Logistics Group