GySgt Stephanie Amerson
Combat Logistics Regiment
Building 12023, 1st Floor
Camp Pendleton, CA 92055
Cell/Text: (760) 208-7073
Email: Stephanie.Amerson@usmc.mil
To provide subject matter advice and guidance on all matters related to command climate and prohibited activities and conduct.
Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) is a function of command. Marine Corps leaders must ensure their people are well-led and cared for physically, emotionally, and spiritually, in and out of combat. “Taking care of Marines” means vigorously enforcing our high standards of performance and conduct. We will hold each other accountable and address violations expeditiously, at the lowest appropriate level.
The responsibility of a successful MEO program rests with the commander. Commanders have earned special trust and confidence and are accountable for all their decisions, actions, and inactions. The Prohibited Activities and Conduct (PAC) prevention and response measures provide commanders the discretion to assess, investigate, and take corrective action to ensure unit cohesion and warfighting effectiveness.
Marine Corps small unit leaders, company-grade officers, and mid-grade staff noncommissioned officers (SNCOs) have experience, maturity, and close daily connection to our most junior Marines. These leaders are in the best position to lead, educate, train, supervise, and instill our high standards.
MCO 5354.1G updates Marine Corps policy, procedures, and responsibilities for preventing and responding to prohibited conduct involving sexual harassment, prohibited discrimination, harassment, hazing, bullying.
Prohibited discriminatory and harassment practices within the Marine Corps are counter-productive, unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. The Marine Corps will maintain a culture of dignity, care, and concern in which all members of the organization are afforded equal treatment and opportunity to achieve their full potential based upon individual merit, fitness, intellect, and ability. All Service members will cultivate an environment free from PAC. PAC undermine morale, reduce combat readiness, and prevent maximum utilization and development of the Marine Corps’ most vital asset: its people.
Chain of Command
The Chain of Command or Command designated personnel (EOC) is the primary and preferred channel to prevent and respond to complaints of PAC. Use of the chain of command to address PAC exemplifies trust in leadership to address violations of our standards quickly and effectively.
Equal Opportunity Coordinator (EOC)
The EOC is authorized to assist with designated administrative duties pertaining to the command MEO program. EOCs may support the command MEO program. EOCs may support the command MEO program by standing inspections, assisting with Memorandum of Agreements, be designated as the command survey Administrator for Defense Organizational Climate Survey, facilities prohibited activities, and conduct training, and provide MEO program updates to the command.
Equal Opportunity Advisor
EOAs are the Marine Corps’ SMEs on command climate and PAC. EOAs are assigned by DC M&RA.
Anonymous Reporting
Anonymous Reports may be communicated by several means, including but not limited to organizational hotlines or advice lines, electronic mail, or official telephone lines. Action taken will depend on the extent of the information provided by the complainants. Service members who file a complaint in-person cannot choose to remain anonymous.
MCO 5354.1G Prohibited Activities and Conduct:
IGMC Hotline: