
1st Marine Logistics Group Logo
1st Marine Logistics Group
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California
CLB-7 redeploys, CLB-1 is last Marine logistical combat unit to deploy in support of OEF
Lt. Col. Sid R. Welch, right, commanding officer, Combat Logistics Battalion 7, and Sgt. Maj. Michael N. Walton, sergeant major, CLB-7, case the unit's battle colors during a transfer of authority ceremony held aboard Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province, Afghanistan, Aug. 1, 2014. Combat Logistics Battalion 7 was replaced by CLB-1 as the last unit to aid Regional Command (Southwest) with tactical-level logistical support. Combat Logistics Battalion 1 will close out another chapter in Marine Corps history as the last unit to serve as the logistics combat element for RC(SW).

1st Marine Logistics Group