It is an honor and privilege to serve as your Commanding Officer, a responsibility I do not take lightly. You have an outstanding reputation that has been built on a legacy of accomplishments. Together we will accomplish much, take care of each other, have fun, and continue to build on CLB-1's outstanding reputation.
As we begin this new chapter in CLB-1's history, we must remember to have a "Commitment to Excellence" in everything we do. I challenge you to make this a part of your daily mindset and let this help guide your actions.
It is all about leadership. This applies at every level and to every rank. My leadership approach is characterized by the "Three C's of Leadership." We are defined by our CHARACTER, COMPETENCE, and CARING.
- Enjoy being a Marine. It is a unique privilege that few can experience. You have chosen to serve during a challenging time in our nation's history. You should be proud of your accomplishments and service to our country. Be strong and aggressive and represent the Marine Corps with honor and respect.
- We will learn from each other. You have the obligation to provide me with your views, even if they disagree with mine. Avoid group think, there are plenty of unique and great ideas throughout the Battalion. I need and want your thoughts and input. Generate ideas and seek ways to constantly improve our unit. I can't do it by myself.
- All Marine Corps standards will be adhered to. Additionally, physical fitness is important and your appearance in uniform is representative of your professionalism. Ensure you meet the standards.
- Keep things simple. Making the simple complicated is unproductive. Making the complicated simple facilitates mission accomplishment and must guide us in all we do.
- Act with a sense of urgency. Be quick but do not rush your way to carelessness. We are going to make mistakes. We'll learn from those and we won't repeat the same ones.
- Our mission is to support the 1st Marine Division and we must have a "SAY YES" mentality. Saying "NO" is not creative and should not be easy. This applies to everything.
- Attention to Detail. Little things done well are one of the greatest secrets of success.
- We will be accountable for our weapons, equipment, and actions. This is nothing new however, failure to understand this basic concept is the root of many problems. Marines will be held accountable if they fail to act within our core values. DO THE RIGHT THING.
- Take care of each other. Consider your fellow Marines as brothers and sisters. Their lives are in your hands and your life is in theirs.
- Do not discriminate. We must respect each other. Race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and background are not how Marines are judged. Our actions, deeds, and conduct will define us.
- We must always consider the safety of our Marines. Every Marine must be prepared to take action and stop unsafe acts when necessary. Overlooking even the smallest safety concerns is comparable to reducing the value of a Marine's life.
- Marine families are critical to the success of the Marine Corps. We will do everything possible to support you and your family. The Family Readiness program is important and will support our Marines. We will foster a cooperative and collaborative network that includes all families.
- We must foster an environment that says NO to sexual harassment, NO to domestic violence, NO to driving under the influence, NO to drugs, NO to suicide, NO to trouble. If you need help, we stand ready to assist. Make the right decisions to preserve your future.
This is the beginning of our journey together and we will accomplish many great things. We must maintain our warrior ethos and always operate with a combat mindset. I'm here to serve you my daily decisions and actions will be guided by this philosophy.