From its very beginning our nation was built and strengthened by its diversity. People of widely varying ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds came together to establish a country based on "self-evident truths" among which is the truth that "all men are created equal". The Constitution was set forth to formalize and specify those rights which all citizens and residents of this nation possess. As members of the United States Marine Corps, we have sworn to support and defend the Constitution and all the rights and freedoms it guarantees for all Americans. With this legacy and promise in mind, we will establish an environment in which diversity in age, color, gender, race, religion, and national origin is valued and every Marine and Sailor is treated with equal respect, dignity and fairness.
The trust we hold in one another is one of our most valued commodities. It is the very fabric that knits us together as a cohesive unit and fighting force. If we cannot trust each other we will not be successful, either in garrison or in combat. Any form of discrimination, hazing or sexual harassment destroys that trust, and will not be tolerated. Leaders at every level will provide and protect a discrimination and harassment-free environment in which every Marine and Sailor is afforded equal respect, dignity and opportunity to succeed.
The Marine Corps has provided procedures for informal and formal resolution of equal opportunity and sexual harassment grievances as described in MCO 1000.9A and MCO P5354.1D. Any member of Combat Logistics Battalion-7 who feels they have been discriminated against or harassed should contact the Battalion Equal Opportunity Representative. Every grievance will be investigated and appropriate administrative and/or disciplinary action will be taken in every case where discrimination or harassment has occurred.