Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Policy
"Sexual assault is a crime that is completely incompatible with our core values of honor,
courage, and commitment. It is an affront to the basic American principles we so bravely
defend. Sexual assault goes against everything we claim to be as Marines."
-MCO 1752.5B
Sexual assault is defined in MCO 1752.5B as intentional contact, characterized by use of
force, threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot
consent. Sexual assault includes rape, forcible sodomy, and other unwanted sexual contact
that is aggravated, abusive, or wrongful (including unwanted and inappropriate sexual
contact), or attempts to commit these acts.
Preventing this crime will be a constant focus within our Battalion, and we will work
aggressively to maintain a work environment that promotes mutual respect. Victims of
sexual assault will be treated with decency and respect, and will receive appropriate
medical, emotional, and psychological support. A victim of sexual assault must feel
confident that their personal safety will be protected and they will not be re-victimized by the
organization upon reporting.
The Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) and Uniformed Victim Advocates (UVA)
stand ready to provide intervention support and support services to victims of sexual
assault. The 1st MLG SARC, Shana Morris, can be reached at 760-716-0669 or 760-763-
3597. CLB-11 UVAs are: 1stLt Caitlin Challet (757) 639-1360 and SSgt Sean Bazar
To confidentially reach a Camp Pendleton Victim Advocate, call the 24/7 Helpline at 760-
500-1707. Additionally, the DoD Safe Helpline is anonymous, secure, and available 24/7
worldwide via phone (1-877-995-5247), text (text "Camp Pendleton" to 55-247) or online at
Sexual assault undermines the special trust and confidence that exists between Marines
and creates a toxic environment that will have lasting negative effects upon morale and
mission accomplishment. Leadership is the key to sexual assault awareness, prevention,
and response. I charge ever Battalion member to remain alert for indicators of a potential
sexual assault, and to take action before irreparable damage occurs to our Battalion and
Semper Fidelis,
Lieutenant Colonel, USMC
Commanding Officer, Combat Logistics Battalion 11