Violence Prevention Policy

"The Violence Prevention program is designed to protect our Marines, Sailors, civilian employees, family members, contractors, customers, and visitors from any act of physical violence, physical or verbal threats, intimidation, harassment, or other inappropriate, disruptive behavior that causes fear for personal safety at or outside of the work site."

-MCO 5580.3, Violence Prevention Program

Violence prevention includes efforts to assess, investigate, mitigate and respond to behaviors that may precede acts of harassment, intimidation, threats, violence, as well as behaviors consistent with radicalization and insider threats. Harassment, intimidation, threats, violence and inappropriate behaviors will not be tolerated in our Battalion. We will actively promote a safe and inclusive environment for our Marines, Sailors, civilians and family members, free of the threat of home or workplace violence. We will accomplish this through command interest, education and involved leadership.

Whether violence manifests itself as family violence, or workplace violence directed at a fellow Marine, Sailor or civilian, the warning signs of potential violence displayed by the perpetrators of these types of crimes are often the same. Our program must be collaborative and focus on evaluating the warning signs for potential violence that will enable Marines, Sailors and civilian members to recognize, report and respond to inappropriate behaviors, threats, and violence in a timely manner. All personnel are encouraged to immediately report warning signs of potential violence in order to achieve the objectives and goals of our program – to protect our Marines, Sailors, civilian employees and family members.

This program is anchored in awareness. First recognize, then report. If you see warning signs of potential violence, report them via the chain of command. If you see a crime or believe a crime to be imminent, notify law enforcement immediately. Early recognition of warning signs of potential violence is the key to preventing escalation to acts of violence. Do not ignore warning signs of potential violence or harassing, intimidating, violent, threatening, or other disruptive behavior.

Threats that require immediate law enforcement involvement should be reported to the Provost Marshal's Office at 760-763-2077/2076 or the Marine Corps Police Department at 760-763-1222.

Semper Fidelis,

Lieutenant Colonel, USMC
Commanding Officer, Combat Logistics Battalion 11

1st Marine Logistics Group