Inspector General



"To be the eyes and ears of the Commanding General"

The Command Inspector General will promote readiness, institutional integrity, effectiveness, discipline, and credibility through impartial and independent inspections, assessments, inquiries, investigations, teaching, and training. This ensures maintenance of the highest levels of war fighting and mission capabilities throughout the 1st Marine Logistics Group.


Hotline Complaint

The 1st Marine Logistics Group Inspector General’s Complaint Hotline was designed to focus efforts to combat fraud, waste, mismanagement, and abuse. The hotline is for non-criminal, non-frivolous and substantive allegations submitted in a timely manner that violate a rule, regulation, standard or law where no other recourse or process is available.


Submit Complaint

Make a Complaint or Request Assistance

Hotline Complaint Form

Hotline Number:    (760) 763-7734


Fax Number:         (760) 763-9420

Walk In:                 Building 140127, Special Staff Building Second Deck   MAP


Request Mast

According to Marine Corps Order 1700.23G, it is "the right of all Marines to directly seek assistance from, or communicate grievances to, their commanding officers." A Marine has "the opportunity to communicate not only with his or her immediate commanding officer, but also with any superior officer in the chain of command up to and including the Marine's Commanding General."




1st Marine Logistics Group