Commanding General’s Safety Policy Statement

1st Marine Logistics Group has an honored and distinguished legacy.  As port of the premier maritime service responsible for defending the American way of life, we have a proud history of accomplishing the mission and taking care of our Marines, Sailors and Civilians.  The dynamic nature of our operations is inherently hazardous and can challenge personal limits and operational capabilities.  Our duty to our country requires constant vigilance toward the safety of our personnel and those we serve.  Our responsiveness and commitment to excellence demands continuous identification and mitigation of hazards thorough deliberate risk assessment and time sensitive judgement.

I expect leaders at all levels to exercise sound risk management principles and balance the level of risk required for mission success against the potential consequences of failure.  We must leverage mistakes and share them so they become lessons learned.  We must create an atmosphere of trust where everyone is encouraged to report hazards without fear of reprisal.  Without open reporting, we miss opportunities to correct deficiencies that, left unchecked, may result in catastrophic failures or loss of life.  I expect a strong safety culture where peers, mentors, and leaders openly discuss errors and learn how to prevent recurrence.  This culture of safety must be instilled into all facets of our organization so it becomes second nature both on and off duty.

I expect every leader will ensure risk management principles are incorporated into the planning and execution of every activity and mission.  While these responsibilities cannot be delegated, risk management is a team effort, and every individual is responsible and accountable for identifying and reporting hazards, and managing risk both on and off duty.



Brigadier General, U.S. Marine Corps

Commanding General, 1st Marine Logistics Group

1st Marine Logistics Group