Family Readiness

Deployment Readiness Coordinator
    Crystal Gates
Office: 760-542-5148


I was the hired as the 1st Medical Battalion and 1st Dental Battalion Deployment Readiness Coordinator, DRC, in January 2019.  Previously, I was the San Diego Regional Director with Blue Star Families (2017-2019) and the Family Readiness Officer, FRO, with HMLA-369 (2013-2017).  My passion is supporting our military members and their families, and as a spouse I know firsthand how beneficial the resources I share are. 

Working in the civilian sector for over 20 years coupled with my experience as a military spouse, allows me the unique experience to perform my duties as a Deployment Readiness Coordinator.  My husband recently retired from the Marine Corps after serving 30 years. We have 3 children.  I have been through many deployments as a spouse both with and without children and can express to our family members and spouses that I do know what they are going through, as I have been there myself on a number of occasions.   

In the 25+ years serving alongside my husband, I volunteered with each of the different units he has been attached to.  This allowed me the opportunity to provide my service to our country and those who defend it from the sidelines as best I could, by supporting those whom they had to leave behind.

Having left the FRO world briefly to assist in a nonprofit organization I realized quickly that I truly am meant to be in the DRC role.  The impact the program has along with my past experiences and knowledge allows me to support our service members and their families, hand in hand with the base and outside resources we have here at Camp Pendleton, to take care of our own. 

I am excited to assist our Marines, Sailors, and their families’ time with 1st Medical Battalion and 1st Dental Battalion, to be as pleasant an experience as possible.                                                                     

                                    1st Medical Battalion                          1st Dental battalion

                                    760.542.5148                                     760.840.7105



Uniformed Readiness Coordinator (Camp Pendleton)

HM1 Alexandria K. Wood



Deputy Uniformed Readiness Coordinator (Miramar)

HM1 Keller, Amy F



Deputy Uniformed Readiness Coordinator (Yuma)

HM2 Jasmine L. Johnson



Deputy Uniformed Readiness Coordinator (29 Palms)

HM1 Heidi M. Schutte






1st Marine Logistics Group