Greetings Marines, Sailors, and families,
On behalf of the Commanding Officer and the rest of the Family Readiness Command Team, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Combat Logistics Battalion 1 (CLB-1).
My name is SSgt Donald Fowler, and I am your Uniform Readiness Coordinator (URC). Your civilian Deployment Readiness Coordinator (DRC) is Christine Winicki.
The Unit, Personal and Family Readiness Program (UPFRP) is designed to:
1. Communicate official information about our unit via EMAIL and SOCIAL MEDIA
Facebook: Combat Logistics Battalion 1
Instagram: @combatlogisticsbattalionone
Please Like/Follow these outlets for pictures of promotions,
training events, field exercises, social gatherings and opportunities to educate yourself and enrich your time spent at Camp Pendleton.
2. Provide Deployment Preparation: every Marine, Sailor and their family must effectively cope with deployment and training exercises. We work with base trainers and other military organizations to provide
classes on understanding the Marine Corps, emergency preparedness,
relationship development, financial literacy and so much more.
This link provides access to the many classes available to you:
3. Share Resources: Educate families on how to thrive in a challenging and rewarding military life by sharing all of the resources available on base and in our community.
We have access to breathtaking nature, world-class recreation, fascinating
festivals and entertainment - please explore Camp Pendleton and Southern
4. Manage volunteers, both spouses and community members: who work
tirelessly to create a generous and vibrant extended family of genuine
support. EVERYONE…spouses, parents and extended family, are invited to volunteer with the unit Readiness Program in an official capacity or just help make meals for new parents or decorate for a unit event!
We are available via cell phone, text or email.
Please contact either of us if you have questions or concerns.