CLB-5 prides itself as sustaining the most ready forces so that when we are called upon, we can execute quickly and professionally. Our Marines and Sailors form the backbone of our organization and our operational readiness is anchored by ensuring their safety. Therefore, the safety of our personnel, both on and off duty, remains critical. I ask each of you to be always vigilant when it comes to the safety of yourself, your Marines and Sailors, and your families. Preserving combat capability is everyone’s responsibility.
Our occupation is inherently risky, both in combat and in garrison. We must understand the broad threats to our health and welfare, and then use foresight to identify mitigation techniques through Risk Management (RM). RM includes both Risk to Force and Risk to Mission. Listed here are some of our major risks and techniques to reduce the risks:
M - Mission/Training. We will conduct challenging training and combat conditioning with the intent to prepare us for missions in austere expeditionary and combat environments. We will execute physically and mentally challenging training to prepare us for the stressors of an actual mission…in all conditions. Expect that our operational missions will increase the sense of urgency, which will further increase risk to our personnel. Train hard to be ready and operate safely. Every Marine and Sailor has the authority to call cease fire.
E - Enemy. The enemy has a vote. In combat we likely cannot prevent the actions taken against us by a nimble enemy, but we can limit the effects through complete and realistic training, solid Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures as well as the disciplined use of individual protective equipment. We will conduct detailed intelligence preparation to avoid the strengths of the enemy, and use intelligence collection tactics to limit the effects of the enemy. Combat drills and repetition build resilience. Remember 5-3-5.
T - Troops & Fire Support/Equipment. We will ensure our equipment is properly maintained using preventive and corrective actions. We will ensure our personnel know how to properly employ the equipment with appropriate licenses, certifications, and training. We will use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), ground guides, and specialized safety precautions to ensure safe and effective completion of tasks.
T - Terrain and weather. We will use Physical Network Analysis to research and analyze known information and historical data to estimate the challenges of the natural environment (i.e. heat and cold, precipitation, wind, soil stabilization, water classification, terrain slope, etc). We will gauge the risks within our local environment and during the times of our operations. We will develop flexible plans to adapt to the changing environment.
Off-duty. Hobbies and family activities will also put our personnel and families at risk. We will conduct seasonal training and inspect what we expect in order to mitigate the signs of off-duty mishaps.
Whether assigned as a Range Safety Officer or a Guardian Angel, or assuming the mantel of leadership as the senior Marine among Marines, YOU must be part of the solution to prevent and limit injury and loss. Be aware of your surroundings, the actions of fellow Marines and Sailors, your equipment status, and applicable mission requirements. Weigh the situation, mitigate risk, and carry on. If you see something unsafe, I expect YOU to take a stand and act or seek assistance from someone who has the right influence. Take care of each other. Every Marine and Sailor is critical to our mission. Mission First, Marines and Sailors Always!
"No Excuses"
J.F. Soto JR.