Family Readiness


Andrea Tatayon

760-468-8337 cell

760-725-1754 phone




On behalf of Colonel Hensien, I would like to welcome you to Combat Logistics Regiment 17. My name Andrea and  as your Deployment Readiness Coordinator (DRC), I am extremely  dedicated to creating a strong sense of community and providing resources and information which will promote resiliency in all aspects of military life. My husband is a retired Marine and I have had the chance to work directly with Marines  for over 11 years  as a volunteer, director of a non-profit, and as a DRC. My experiences and the opportunities this life has afforded our family has left a lasting impression on me and I am passionate about doing whatever I can to give back using our Commanding Officer's intent to steer the program in a direction which will  provide maximum benefits to  all members of Headquarters Regiment.


The CO's  guidance is as follows:  "enhance combat readiness and increase the quality of life for Marines, Sailors and authorized family members within the Regiment"


This will come in the form of regular communication, classes, and social events which are geared to helping promote wellness, knowledge, and address the challenges and uncertainties which are a large part of this lifestyle.   Please help me meet his intent  by ensuring that you fill-out a NAVMC 11654 and updating any changes to contact information as things change.


In closing, it is an honor and pleasure to serve as your DRC! I stand ready to assist as needed so please don't hesitate to drop by my office for a bit of conversation and coffee or shoot me an email/phone call with any questions or concerns that you may have.


Warm Regards,

Andrea Tatayon

Deployment Readiness Coordinator

Combat Logistics Regiment 17, 1stMLG






    1st Marine Logistics Group